On this page you will find links to all English language topics, such as my story about my experiences as a child during the Second World War, my booklet "A perfect Sight", portraying a blind Arubian, published in 1982 and papers presented at conferences and articles I wrote for Caribbean Vision, a monthly magazine of the Caribbean Council for the Blind. During three years I was the editor of that magazine, a position that implied that I had to fill it almost entirely by myself alone.

      Henk de Beijer
     from 1974 till 1994 executive secretary FAVI

For questions or comments: henk.de.beijer@gmail.com

          After reading any of the articles listed below,
          you can return to this page by pressing
          ALT+LEFT ARROW.

          To download any of the files, right click them or
           press the application key and choose "save as".

Who are we?


          - The following link tells my experiences as a child
          during the Second World War.

A Warchild's Memories.

          - The following link gives the text of a booklet
          I wrote in 1982 portraying a blind Arubian.


          The following is a brief list of famous visually handicapped persons.

Blind and Famous.

           - The following link is the slightly altered text
          of an address delivered at the Joint Caribbean Con-
          gress on Disability and Rehabilitation held in San
          Juan, Puerto Rico in August 1985.

Whose Rights are the Right Rights?

           - The following link is the slightly altered text
of a paper, presented by me at the First Regional
          Conference on Blindness and Blindness Prevention
          of the Caribbean Council for the Blind, in Christ-
          church, Barbados, September 1984.

From Charity to Collective Responsibility.

          - The following is the slightly altered text of an
          address delivered at the Second International Sym-
          posium on Visually Handicapped Infants and Young
          Children, Birth to Seven, held in Aruba from May
          22 to 27 1983.

          The author/presenter was a memberof the program committee of the Symposium and chair-
          person of the Aruban Organizing Committee. He al-
          so presided the opening session and pronounced the
          closing remarks.

The Most Persistent Lie on Earth.

           - the following link gives the text of an article
          published by me in Caribbean Vision, a monthly ma-
          gazine from the Caribbean Council for the Blind,
          of which I was the editor.

Where Ignorance is Bliss ...

           - The following is another article published in
          Caribbean Vision, which caused quite a bit of ill
          feelings in Jamaica.

First comes the Grub ...

           - The following article, also from Caribbean Vi-
          sion, discusses the problems of good outreach.

The Art of Persuasion.

           - The following short piece discusses negative
          attitudes of rehab workers for the visually handi-

Acceptable Social Behaviour

           - The following article was written after a lot
          of protest was launched against the appointment of
          a sighted woman as executive director of the CCB.

Blind Leadership.

           - The following article discusses the abuse some
          blind persons make of their handicap.

The Advantage of the Disadvantage.

           - Another article from Caribbean Vision, discus-
          sing the main goals of agencies for the blind and
          visually impaired.

Services to the Blind, or Prevention of Blindness

           - The following article from Caribbean Vision dis-
          cusses the differences between the congenitally
          and adventitiously blind and partially sighted.

Are you Blind or Blind?

Integrated education, an endless challenge!

           - The following is a brief explanation of the
          British Moon-script for the blind, that still seems
          to be in use in England.

The British Moon-script explained.

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